Friday, May 29, 2020

How to Code

How to Code by Michael Cheary Coding â€" all the cool kids are doing it…Actually, with the government deciding that coding will be added as part of the national curriculum in 2015, all the kids will be doing it cool or otherwise. Think you’re too old to join the coding revolution? You’d be surprised.It’s never too late to learn a new skills, with a wide range of ways to learn for people of all ages. With this in mind, here’s a quick guide to coding, and our top tips on learning how to code:What is coding?In short, code is the language which tells your computer what to do.Everything from the incredibly witty and well-written copy you’re reading right now, through to the apps you download and the games you play, are all dictated by code.Think of it this way: without code there would be no internet. Remember that the next time you see your next cat gif.How many coding languages are there?In fact, estimates range from hundreds to several thousand, depending on where you look. Ea ch different language is intended for a different purpose, making some more valuable in certain industries and professions than others.Common languages you may be familiar with include HTML, JavaScript, C# and SQL. If you’ve not heard of them before, you will have encountered all of them at some point without even knowing.Python, Ruby, the list is practically endless. Don’t believe us? Just look up Ook. You’re welcome…Why should I learn to code?Because anyone can do it.You may be surprised to know that programming and coding isn’t that difficult to get into for beginners. Not only is it a great way to add to your skillset, it could also be the key to finding your next role and being better paid.Even if you’re happy in your own career path, many people take up coding just to learn something new. In fact, with so many resources available out there to help you get started, there really is no good reason not to learn.What do I need?Heres a quick checklist:A computerNo… tha t’s pretty much itOh, and the willingness and drive to learn something new. Those too. But other than the above, a good internet connection and a proper tutorial, you really don’t need anything else.To prove just how easy (not to mention life changing) it can be to get into, here’s an article about a homeless man who learned to code with a little help from his friends.How do I learn to code?There are many great ways out there to get into programming. So no matter how busy your schedule is or what your other commitments are, there will be something out there which works for you.Here are just a few of the ways you could get into coding:Utilise free resources  The good thing about developers is, they can be a pretty helpful bunch. That, and they also quite like using the internet, making free resources readily available.One such site is the education start-up CodeAcademy which runs a number of different initiatives to make coding more accessible for everyone. Programming language s on offer include HTML/CSS, PHP and Python, and their Code Year helped introduce almost 500,000 to coding through a weekly email you could work on in your own time.Another valuable resource is, who recently partnered with CodeAcademy for the Hour of Code initiative, which saw a whole host of children, adults and a-list celebrities run their own programs in less than an hour. Barack Obama even got involved, putting an end to that ‘busy schedule’ excuse.Some other sites we recommend include Khan Academy, Udacity, and Programmr, although there are literally hundreds of others out there. Do a little research and find the right one for you.Take a classA little extra incentive to learn can often make all the difference. And by incentive, we mean the realisation that if you’ve spent good money on something, you will probably follow through with it.There are a number of reputable providers out there which offer courses in coding, most of which are offered online and can be t aken at your own pace. Some of the best around include Udemy, considered by many to be the leading marketplace for online learning, We Got Coders, Makers Academy and General a more formal course especially suits those who want some structure added to their learning, and with some studies suggesting that you’re at least twice as likely to finish a paid-for course as you are a free one, it’s definitely an option worth considering. Especially as you’ll end up with an industry recognised accreditation at the end.View all coding courses nowApply for an internship Some people learn best on-the-job. With this in mind, a number of companies offer internships, apprenticeships and junior positions, all of which you could use to build your coding credentials.The roles on offer don’t necessarily have to be solely dedicated to development. A number of positions now include an element of programming in their day-to-day roles, making coding an essential part of professions ranging from copywriting and marketing, through to database administration and design.Once you’ve picked up the basics and start to enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll then be able to build on your skills and pursue coding as a career.Download an appUndoubtedly the most convenient option, there’s an app for everything these days â€" even apps for building apps.There are lots of different options out there aimed at beginners learning the basics of programming, which are both affordable and, surprisingly, quite enjoyable.If nothing else, it’ll give you something constructive to do on your commute. That, and a temporary feeling of superiority over anyone idly flicking through fake Flappy Birds clones rather than choosing to ‘better themselves’.Final thoughtsIf you’re seriously considering having a crack at coding, don’t keep putting it off.Once you get started you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll be creating and executing your own programs on your computer/smartpho ne. However, just like learning any language, the key to success can often be summed up in three words:Keep. At. It.If you’re persistent and dedicate a little time to pursuing it properly, anyone can learn to code. So don’t leave it to the cool kids.Find a job What Where Search JobsSign up for more Career AdviceSign up for moreCareer Advice Please enter a valid email addressmessage hereBy clicking Submit you agree to the Getting Started Self-employment

Monday, May 25, 2020

Im Engaged! Now What The Talks Youll Need To Have

Im Engaged! Now What The Talks Youll Need To Have If you are fortunate enough to have recently got engaged, it’s only natural for your mind to turn to the wedding. Beautiful venues, great entertainment, delicious catering and a stunning dress will all be at the forefront of your mind. But there is something you need to do first. Before you so much as think of planning your wedding, you need a talk with your partner. It needn’t be stressful or accusatory in any way, but there are some areas you need to be clear on before proceeding. Many people wait until they are secure in their marriage before having the talks they should have had at the start. This can cause a lot of unnecessary stress and upheaval. Especially if the answers aren’t the ones they were hoping for. If you’re struggling to communicate with your partner or dread asking the serious questions, then you need to think. Is this the person that I could see being my closest confidant for the rest of my life? Anyone can be nervous when having a frank discussion with a loved one. But if you ultimately feel like you’ll see eye to eye and respect each other’s opinions then it’s a great sign. Tradition Before beginning planning the wedding, it is important to discover whether either of you have family traditions. Perhaps you both come from different cultures and would each like to incorporate some aspect of it into your big day. Maybe your mother has a special ring she would like you to wear or an item she hopes you’ll accept. A wedding is the start of your own family but it also brings together two existing families. You should never feel under pressure to do anything you are not comfortable with. This is your once-in-a-lifetime special day after all. But it is worth bearing in mind that out of respect to your family and the family of your spouse, there may be some collaboration. Try to clarify early on what will be expected and then work around your own personal boundaries. That way, everyone will be happy and comfortable on the day. No-one will feel excluded or have had their feelings hurt. Finance This can be the touchiest subject even for established couples. It is more and more common that financial burden is spread equally between both parties of the wedding. But this can be down to personal, social, and even religious values too. Who is paying for the wedding? How will you fund your honeymoon? Where do you intend to live afterwards? It is not wise to assume that these questions will simply answer themselves. Try to clarify finances early on to avoid stress and unnecessary embarrassment. Sharing all burdens is usually the way of the modern couple, but it is always worth checking. This could also be the time to raise the question of whether to talk to prenuptial agreement experts. This can be an uncomfortable topic for some couples but it shouldn’t be. It can actually demonstrate that you value the rights and comfort of both parties. Honesty Is there anything that you or your partner should know? A marriage above all things should be honest. We are inviting this person into every aspect of our world, life, and love. The chances are you will already each other very well. You are likely to have been in your current relationship as partners for a long time. But you should still take the opportunity to raise any truths or concerns. Being Engaged is a Beautiful Beginning! Image Source; Image Source

Friday, May 22, 2020

10 Ways to Beat Work Stress and Burnout

10 Ways to Beat Work Stress and Burnout I have had many moments where I have been extremely stressed at work and it sucks.  At one point in my career, I was getting calls from clients and managers every weeknight and all weekend. I would come home crying to my husband every day. I couldnt focus on my personal life because work stress had taken over my entire life. And I am not alone, because according to this report from the American Institute of Stress: 40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful 25% view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives Three-fourths of employees believe that workers have more on-the-job stress than a generation ago 29% of workers felt quite a bit or extremely stressed at work 26 percent of workers said they were “often or very often burned out or stressed by their work” Job stress is more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems I now have a schedule and job where I have eliminated most of the stress and burnout. I had to proactively take almost all of the steps below. The most important thing is to do something about your stress instead of just letting it just get worse and worse. If you dont do anything about it, it will get so much worse! Here are ten ways to beat work stress  burnout: 1) Pre-plan One of the biggest mistakes people make that causes work stress is the lack of pre-planning.  You are reacting to issues and problems instead of preparing for them.  One of my favorite quotes that I am focusing on this year is Dont manage stress. Prevent stress.  Abraham Lincoln said, Every minute you prepare saves you three minutes. Actions to take: Plan your planning time. Find a specific day and time to plan out your week.  I recommend Sunday nights, first thing Monday mornings or before you leave on Friday afternoons. Figure out your most productive time and maximize your tasks and responsibilities when you are at your best. 2) Stay out of your inbox Your inbox does not need to be turned on all day. Just because you received an email doesnt mean it requires an immediate response. You cant live in your inbox because you wont get the important things done. It takes four hours to do any productive project and you wont be able to do that if you are always reacting and putting out fires. Actions to take: Turn off your automatic email notification. Or even better, turn your inbox offline and focus on the big tasks that need to get done. Set a schedule to check your inbox at certain times. If this is an issue with people you work with, let them know this schedule or leave an automatic out-of-office message that says, In an effort to serve my clients, I am only checking email at.Emails will be returned at that time. React when you want to react. 3) Get Up Women internalize stress more and it is harder on our bodies. Women also tend to be more focused on perfectionism than men. This leads to working a lot harder and a lot longer at our desks to try to make something perfect.  If you dont pay attention to how your body feels or whether it is time to take a break, your body will not be very happy with you. You will produce a much better result if you take that break and refresh your mind. Actions to take: Get up at least every hour and walk around and take a drink of water.  Dont be tied to your desk and pay attention to your body. Look for the first sign of pain while you are seated. If you are in pain, your company may have an ergonomics consultant available to check the positioning of the items in your workplace. Maybe your computer needs to be raised or your chair is too high? 4) Recognize Stress   Many people dont even realize they are stressed or figure that it is just a part of work and there is nothing they can do about it.  Stress is really the loss of control of your life.  It is setting up expectations improperly. Stress comes from other peoples pressure for you to perform or deliver.  Beating stress allows you to take more control of your life. Actions to take: Make a list of all of the things in your life that are causing you stress. Even if it is something small. I realized that I was getting stressed by something so little as leaving for church late so by the time we got to church every week there were hardly any seats left. I recognized that this was causing me stress so have made changes to my morning routine every Sunday to get to church earlier, eliminating the stress that I was feeling. 5) Set Boundaries Push Back One of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients is that they feel that their day is gone as soon as they sit down and that their days are run by other people.  As I am writing this post right now, I have a lot of emails from other people asking me to do things. But, if I go check those emails and dont focus on writing, this post will never get done.  I will react to my emails when this post has been published. Action to take: Learn to say no or present your boss or co-workers with reasons why you cant do what they have asked of you. If I have too much on my plate, I tell my client what I am currently working on and ask him if he would like me to drop it and start working on his new task. This makes him see that I already have a lot of items on my plate and I cant do two things at once. Also, set realistic expectations. I will tell him that because I am working on this other task, I wont be able to get to this new project until Wednesday afternoon. Is that OK with him? That way you are both on the same page and he doesnt come asking about it an hour later. 6) Dont Multi-task Multi-tasking can reduce productivity by approximately 40%. Multi-tasking makes you less productive.  Women think we are really good at multi-tasking but we really arent accomplishing everything that we could be. Action to take: Make a list of items you need to complete and focus on one at a time.  Turn off all the distractions and block out your calendar to only do that one item. You will be surprised at how much quicker it gets done than if you were distracted! 7) Exercise I am always more stressed when I am not working out. This is something you must make time for. I realized this when I was training for a marathon. I thought I would have no time to train and wouldnt have the energy to actually complete my day job. The opposite actually happened. I made time to work out AND I became so much more efficient. I had a lot more energy and my brain worked better. Action to take: Carve out time in your schedule to workout. Put it in to your calendar. You will be more stressed if you dont take care of yourself.  And make sure you drink lots of water during the day and lay off the caffeine. 8) Dont Try to be Perfect This is something I have struggled with a lot. I wrote a story in my book about when I was a manager, I thought everything had to be perfect for our clients. It wasnt until my male boss told me, You know, you dont have to be perfect. I then realized I had a much higher standard for myself than all the men on my team. I learned to give myself a break and eliminate overwhelm. Everything isnt an emergency and I did not need an adrenaline addiction. Action to take: Make a priority list and start saying no. Dont worry about being a people pleaser. Not everyone will like you and not everyone will be happy with what you do and say. Strive to earn respect from the people you work with instead. 9) Get an App for That There are so many apps that can help you stay organized and remove stress from your life.  Some great ones that I love are Evernote, Do it tomorrow, Wunderlist,  and  Focus at will. Action to take: Investigate the apps above or other ones and try one today. 10) Find Time to Decompress How do you decompress? I love decompressing with my girlfriends over a glass of wine. I also love to decompress with a great book or movie with my husband. If you are in a work environment that is sucking the energy out of you, make sure you also schedule time for yourself in a better environment with people who fulfill you and build you up. Action to take: Look at your calendar for the next month and on a weekly basis (at least) schedule time in your calendar to decompress however you like. Invite some friends over for dinner or head to the library for the day. Do what will make you happy and get your mind off of work!! The most important thing for battling work stress is knowing your values and living an authentic life. If you are loving the work you do and are being fulfilled by it, the stress doesnt matter. Its fun stress. Set your expectations and be proud of the choices that you make. *Note from Anna: I would love to hear what you think! How do you beat work stress and burnout, and actions are you going to take this week?

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Engagement (INFOGRAPHIC)

The Ultimate Guide to Employee Engagement (INFOGRAPHIC) If youre searching for a new job, youre well aware that you arent alone. But you may not realize just how many fish are in the job market sea. This month, 2.7 million people will quit their jobs. And most of them will do so because they feel disengaged at their old workplaces.   Employees typically disengage because they feel unfulfilled, unchallenged, and unnoticed in their jobsâ€"side effects of a negative workplace that youve probably experienced for yourself. In fact, you may have even left a job because of these things. Thats why its important to look for an engaging company that does fulfilling work. To do that, youll need to watch out for the warning signs of disengagementâ€"and the telltale trademarks of great workplacesâ€"during your job search. This guide from  Company Folders  will teach you the causes and costs of employee disengagement, as well as four ways great managers help you stay engaged at work.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The crucial link between money and mental health at university - Debut

The crucial link between money and mental health at university - Debut Gather round, young ones. You need to know this before you go out into the world. The link between money and mental health is something thats been explored for a long time. But the focus always seems to be general and only relevant if youre already adulting. What about if youre living hand to mouth in a student house, battling towards a degree? Well, lets talk about it. Money and mental health at university The whole world seems to be talking about young people and mental health more and more. Naturally, money is a big part of that. Financial capability, or the effectiveness of the way you handle your money, is super important when youre at university. Its hard enough squeezing the juice out of your maintenance loan with your rent, bills, food and sesh budget to consider. But if, like 78% of students you experience a mental health problem at university, it gets even trickier. Last week, the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute published a report showing the result of a survey of 5,500 people with different mental health problems. They found that pretty much all of them have trouble spending within their means or saving for their futures. Whys this? Because oftentimes, you just need a clear headspace to deal with heavy, above-the-shoulders stuff like finance. The study found that various mental problems can be agitated by the little intricacies involved in dealing with your personal expenses. For instance: A lack of motivation to tackle money issues for people  with depression. Or actively avoiding them all together if you have anxiety ADHD sufferers with problems concentrating on complex financial tasks, like constructing a budget People with bipolar disorder having trouble comparing prices for services due to reduced problem-solving capacity People with PTSD having trouble remembering PIN numbers and bill payments due to severe memory problems The report also found that that your average spend increases in periods of poor mental health, so might wanna watch out for that. Were all for treating yourself but spending £30 a day on comfort takeaways could make your mental situation worse when you eventually look at your overdraft. Managing your money and mental health So what can you do to help yourself out? Heres a few quick finance tips from us: Stick to your budget, but dont live and die by it. Its pretty much unavoidable. The most helpful way to manage your money is create a budget. UCAS has a great tool for it if you have trouble.  It may take you a while to get used to sticking to it and you will make mistakes. Dont beat yourself up though these things take time and you can always make economies for any splurges the next month. Read more: This student budgeting guide will stop you from blowing your student loan Use cash. I went to great lengths to avoid looking at my bank balance whilst at uni. I actually learnt how to use cashpoints and do my internet banking with my eyes closed. Anything to be wilfully ignorant of my spending. Its even easier to do so whilst tapping away with a contactless card. If you struggle with plastic restraint, try getting out all your disposable income for the week (so not your rent or bills) and separating it by what you need to spend it on. One pile for food, one pile for entertainment etc. That way you always know  exactly what you have left.Dont want to do that or your rooms not safe enough for you to leave money around? Try using a prepaid solution like Loot or Monzo for your day-to-day expenses. Ask your bank for help.  Banks have already tried to make banking accessible for the wheelchair bound and the blind. Ask what they can do for you. Some offer voice recognition to get around remembering security details, as well as budgeting tool and spending controls which can also help. Talk to your friends.  If youre blessed to have housemates you have a good relationship with, be honest with them.Dont feel obliged to go out with them if youre strapped for cash. Organise a house contribution kitty for all the little communal things that everyone needs, e.g. kitchen roll and washing powder, so you can share the cost. Instead of ducking the person who organises the bill payments, have a conversation with them. Theyre all going through it and would be happy to help. Learning to manage your finances is a big part of nailing university life, but its a unique form of self-care too. Its important to know what youre up against and dedicate the proper time to getting it right. Good luck! Download the Debut app and  get Talent-Spotted by amazing graduate employers! Connect with Debut on Facebook and Twitter

Monday, May 11, 2020

Most Tragic Mistake Job Seekers Are Making Right Now! - Pathfinder Careers

Most Tragic Mistake Job Seekers Are Making… Right Now! - Pathfinder Careers Most Tragic Mistake Job Seekers Are Making… Right Now! Day in and day out, I get emails from prospective clients in need of resume assistance, which I welcome as a service provider in this area. But a lot of times, after I get this message, I have to start an elaborate dance with them because they have put their job search in complete jeopardy. What’s that, you say? It’s true. Call it comfort. Call it laziness. Call it being too busy or tired to work on looking for a new job when they get home, but many people continue (astoundingly) to conduct job searches from their current workplace. On my end, I can see that the person sent the message from their work account, and now I have to be careful â€" just in case the boss IS reading the email when I reply back. So I send a discreet email in return, asking to take this résumé service discussion offline to a personal email account. Sometimes, if the person sends an email with a phone number, I call the number and see if I can reach them to ask for that personal address. But I don’t leave a voicemail simply because I don’t know  who is checking their messages (possibly an assistant?) â€" which could also let the “cat out of the bag.” The point is that I don’t want to be the one to blow the job seeker’s cover. And I shouldn’t have to be.  Nor should anyone else, for that matter. Job seekers need to be careful about getting reckless in their quest for a new job. It’s just plain good sense to take ANY job search offline and only do it during your time using your own resources, not that of your employer. So why should you care? Do you REALLY think someone is reading your emails? Do you think this post is a little paranoid?? Think again. Many employers have implemented spyware and keystroke monitoring software without the employee’s knowledge. The program could be sitting on your desktop, or on the company server that taps into your desktop. And yes, there are bosses who do read those messages, or set up flags with certain words that would trigger a report that goes onto the supervisor’s desktop about those keywords. Some job seekers are very aware of this software, but think that their company is too small to have spyware installed. Guess again. I once worked at a 35-person office. Thought I was safe until I was at a conference out of town and the big boss was bragging to some board members that he had just installed spyware on all the employees’ computers. So I found out before I did something stupid that caught his attention. You’d better believe that from that moment on, I kept my work email squeaky clean. So, sending an email to a résumé service provider, with a nice subject line of “Résumé Assistance” isn’t the smartest move you can make. It boils down to basics: Don’t conduct job searches from work, stupid! Many people have gotten waaaaayyyyy too comfortable sending out personal email messages from their work account. It could turn out to be the biggest tragic mistake any job seeker could make, if they care about being discreet in their search. And once the boss knows you are thinking about leaving, they might just show you the door first. Photo by Matthew Bowden ( [Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

Friday, May 8, 2020

Free Resume Writing Form - How To Use It For Success

Free Resume Writing Form - How To Use It For SuccessA free resume writing form is one of the best ways to start a career in the business sector and can be downloaded from the Internet. There are several websites which provide a free resume writing form for their customers.Writing a resume is a job that requires an entrepreneur to write it according to the needs of the business sector. This resume is also the first thing that gets presented to the company at the interview stage. Thus, writing a resume can be really a daunting task. If you are having some problems in writing a resume, there are lots of free resume writing tips that can help you get started.Resume writing form guides can be downloaded from the Internet. You will find a number of these forms on the Net which are being used by different businesses sectors. The only problem with these forms is that they are usually too basic and need to be made more intricate before anyone will be impressed.In order to start out, a resume has to be made in a formal paper. Write down all the salient points of your experience, career, skills and other requirements for the job. These should be written in a professional manner so that your reader will get impressed. Try to make your resume as simple as possible so that it will be easier for you to read when you have already submitted it to the employers.A common resume format is usually long and cumbersome. However, there are many free resume writing forms which can be used. Make sure that you keep a copy of the template that you have used so that you can use it as the basis for making a new one. Also, if you do not like the template, you can use the template again for making a new resume.Before going for the free resume writing form, you should also be aware of the deadline that is set for the submission of your resume. It is a must that you go through all the details in the resume form before submitting it. This is because there are some forms which ask for some techni cal details about the candidate that cannot be posted online. You should be aware of these details before filling them in the form. Besides, if you find that some part of the resume does not meet the standards of the company, you have the right to make changes before it gets printed.The resume forms that are provided by the companies can be printed out and filled up in a professional manner. You should make sure that the copy you have written has all the details required by the company and has been checked over before you submit it. Any details that are not included in the resume can be edited and corrected. Try to avoid minor errors and include them in the editing process.The free resume writing form is the best way to get started in the job sector. If you find that you are having difficulties in writing a resume, try to use this free form before you finally submit it to the employers. This will help you get used to the writing process and help you in writing a good resume.